Why a Slow Start Enables Lasting Results

Here’s a thought: why hasn’t that crash diet lasted? Why hasn’t starving yourself lost and kept off 15 pounds. Why hasn’t that juice cleanse given you fabulous skin and hair?

The answer is simple. A quick fix never lasts. Cutting corners deprives your body, which in turn makes it even harder to recover. You have to set yourself up for success, and that means small, gradual changes in your lifestyle that you can keep up with. Your body not only needs time to adjust to the physical changes but mentally wouldn’t a small victory motivate you, even more, to keep going?

We tend to be hard on ourselves because we set unrealistic goals. They need to be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound in order for you to get anywhere. Do a monthly 5 pounds sound better than 50 before the summer? Of course, it does. This way you can stay on track without being overwhelmed.

Here is an example. You do pressed juices for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for a week before someone’s wedding. After the wedding, you give it up entirely. What fun is that? If you truly enjoy them, incorporate them into your routine daily or when possible. Do things that you LIKE, not DREAD. This juice should be a reward, not a punishment. Having a light pressed juice daily gradually aids in digestion and speeds up your metabolism, so you not only minimize immediate bloating but satisfy that sweet tooth and stay slimmer in the long run. This small change will turn into a habit, and soon feel natural to your daily routine.

Hint: Ever heard of food pairing or digestive health? Certain food groups don’t go well together which may be the reason for your upset stomach. Have that smoothie/juice in the morning before any slower digesting foods. See the link below for details on food combining.

My biggest tip and takeaway is be kind to yourself, be practical and keep going. How many meals a day are you having? The average is 3. Cut those larger portions into 4 or 5 meals daily. Hey, you’re still eating constantly. Who doesn’t love that? Add an extra glass of water daily for a week. Then an extra two. Then Three. In a months time, you will have realized how mindless and easy this becomes.

A slow start begins with a healthy mental mindset before you even dive deep into behavioral changes. A slow start enables lasting results.


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